Core Java

Swing Objective Questions And Answers
which one method contain single button?

1. showMessageDialog():
2. showConfirmDialog():
1. showMessageDialog()
More interview questions and answers

which one method used to set the state of the frame ? 1. setExtendedState() 2. SetExtendedState() 3.none


Which method is used for getting the language in internationalization? 1.getDisplayLanguage() 2.GetdisplayLanguage() 3.GetDisplayLanguage() 4.none


Which one method is used to get the country name? 1.GetDisplayCountry () 2.getDisplayCountry () 3.getdisplayCountry () 4.none

2.getDisplayCountry () 

which one method is used to set the visibility of the frame? 1.setVisible(true) 2.setVisible(false) 3.setVisible() 4.none


which one method is used to set the close operation? 1.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) 2.SetDefaultCloseOperation(jFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) 3.setDefaultCloseOperation() 4.none


which one method contain single button? 1. showMessageDialog(): 2. showConfirmDialog():

1. showMessageDialog()

which one method contain single button? 1. showMessageDialog() 2. showConfirmDialog()

2. showConfirmDialog()

which one method used to set the label opn the button? 1. setText(String) 2. setText(Char)

1. setText(String)

which one method used to set the on button? 1. setIcon(Icon) 2. setIcon(Iconify) 3.none

1. setIcon(Icon)

which one method used to set the frame on decoration ? 1. setUndecorated(false) 2. setUndecorated(true) 3.none

1. setUndecorated(false)